Learning to Swim

Shouldn't come with lead weights.

A Radical Thought:

What if the EMS Educational Documentation System (“EMS-EDS”)

actually contributed to students’ workforce preparation?

We believe that every minute a student spends doing something we faculty have asked for should BENEFIT the student–to successfully enter the workforce and practice as effective clinicians.

So, how about the student just do workforce things (to include writing a regular PCR just like at work)? And how about the technology just be smart enough to put things where they belong on the (CoAEMSP) SMC?!

And what if, as students DID that documentation, they were also studying and just didn’t realize it?

That is why you need the world’s first EDS–an Educational Documentation System which EDUCATES while the student DOCUMENTS.


We know “tracking” is NOT your goal (or your students’).

Sterling Credentials gives you the freedom to

focus on Clinical Excellence.

Schedule a visit and see for yourself!

Wait, Why do I Need an EDS?

Sterling Credentials is building the world’s first EMS-EDS (Education Documentation System) to:

  1. Partner with you in providing educational value to students (using known brain physiology and taking cues from “medicine-proper” to provide the most productive tools to help students learn)
  2. Obstruct fraudulent documentation.
  3. Assist in assessing and teaching the objectives of the affective domain.
  4. Catch the regulatory things which can “slip through the cracks” when you are overloaded.
  5. Provide ongoing monitoring of your affiliate relationships ensuring you don’t have a slight breeze turn into a relationship-ending hurricane.
  6. Be a central repository for all of your institutional wisdom (documents) making any audit or inspection a breeze.  This is also a critical component to succession planning–never see the program you’ve worked so hard to build burnt to the ground!
  7. “One-Click CSSR”–our big bodacious dream. We’re not there yet, but THIS is what we’re building towards.  Imagine.
Photo by Kayleigh Luttringer

“Why are you on the fence?”

(watch this video)