Photo by Kayleigh Luttringer

Photo by Kayleigh Lutringer

Julianne Stevenson—Chief Facilitator

At first, I was pissed.  Dad had the audacity to be given a death sentence just weeks after I’d begun to generate my first CSSR!  The next minute, I was destroyed.  How was I going to get all “this” done WHILE worrying about Dad…and Mom?

Oh, abandon my professional responsibilities?  No way, neither of my parents would condone that.  No, when life gets hard, you just have to figure it out.  Well, I DID figure it out—through a lot of tears and feelings of inadequacy, and we were successfully re-accredited. 

My entire program was paper-based.  I had refused to subject my students to the torture of the existing electronic systems meant to “help.” When you care about students, you hurt with them and for them; you cannot decide to make their lives harder just for you to be more comfortable, right?

I hope, with Sterling, to save you the heartache that engulfed my life.  I should not have felt that I had to choose.  With Sterling Credentials, you won’t.

We Understand the Educational Process

I’ve taken the stance that any time a student does anything on a live person, they should write a report.  Yes, I realize this means 40+ iterations of med/cardiac assessment as a ‘live isolated skill.’  Mini-narratives fulfill the report-requirement WHILE building narrative-writing skills in a step-wise fashion.

–Julianne Stevenson