Photo by Kayleigh Luttringer

Founder, Julianne Stevenson (Photo by Kayleigh Lutringer)

A Very Personal “Why”–Julianne

At first, I was pissed.  Dad had the audacity to be given a death sentence by cancer just weeks after I’d begun to generate my first CSSR!  The next minute, I was destroyed.  How was I going to get all “this” done WHILE worrying about Dad…and Mom?

Oh, abandon my professional responsibilities?  No way, neither of my parents would condone that.  No, when life gets hard, you just have to figure it out.  Well, I DID figure it out—through a lot of tears and feelings of inadequacy, and we were successfully re-accredited. 

We in EMS are always asked to do more with less.  I wanted to build something to help you when you can’t get that extra full time employee or admin assistant that you actually need.

I hope, with Sterling, to save you the heartache that engulfed my life.  I should not have had to choose.  With Sterling Credentials, you won’t.

Crowd-Funding toward a “One-Click” CSSR

Our ‘big bodacious dream” is to serve as a central repository for all things EMS-Education.  This means two things. 

First, no more “archeological digs” looking for documents from a prior Program Director because it is all in one place. EMS cannot grow as a profession if the educational programs burn to the ground every time a new director comes in!

Second, preparation and completion of the CoAEMSP Continuing Self-Study report with minimal effort (one-click if we can get there!).

We Understand the Educational Process

You don’t need a class to run social media or any number of apps–you shouldn’t need it for this either.  This platform should so obviously parallel the work-flow that steps are clear.

–Julianne Stevenson