Help EMS Students, Faculty, and Preceptors Understand Specialty Rotations

A recent post on LinkedIn proved fairly popular, so this is my promised site to make all of the Instructional Plans available.
Seeing all of the confusion regarding why paramedic students attend specialty rotations, I developed a set of “Instructional Plans” to explain the logic to all involved.  Here, I provide them as a foundation for you to develop your own similar.
2023 Learning Plan for L&D  (this shift was through special arrangement with nurse midmives at a teaching hospital–HUGE benefits!)
2018 Learning Plan for Pediatrics Rotation (we partnered with a local pediatrician–students mostly observed, so there was a special documentation requirement for this shift)
Internship Instructional Plan (this one has specific instructions to use the NREMT Internship form.  You can delete that section if you’ve chosen to use the new Sterling Capstone Discussion module!)
And bc I can’t help myself:  here is a graph from that Capstone Discussion module (you can toggle the gray bars on/off to see graph of only the evaluation items on which you wish to focus).  Red line is student self-eval done before preceptor eval (blue line) of same items, so you can see where they begin to merge indicating growing student self-awareness–or at least understanding exactly what their preceptor expects).

No more "making do"

As prehospital providers, many of us are accustomed to just “making do”  with whatever limitations we face.  Sterling Credentials has automated the SMC and other CoA requirements so that we can get on with building goodies to help the EDUCATOR!

–Julianne Stevenson